Nar-Anon Nuggets
Here are some of our favorite sayings and slogans:
"What others think of me is none of my business"
(What I think of you and what I think of me that's important!)
When one door closes, another will open
(But sometimes we spend a lot of time in the allway)
How important is it? Is it worth giving my serenity away?
Say how you feel, not what you think
Ask yourself, "Is this mine to fix?" If it isn't broken, don't fix it
Change the behavior and the attitude will follow
(I have to put action into my program. I have to take care of myself to believe that I am worth taking care of)
Fake it till you make it, then you got to face it
(I can't go over my problems or under my problems. I have to work through them)
If I am in fear - I forget I have choices
If I am having difficulties, it helps to ask myself, "What step am I on?"
(The answer is always step one)
My sponsor gave me two responses to use when I am being blamed by the addict (or others):
"I may have been wrong but I forgive myself"
"I am sorry, but I am not that powerful"
If someone says something you do not agree with simply reply, "I know you believe that"
I have to take the risk of telling people honestly how I feel without any expectations of changing their havior
I am allowed to have a full range of feelings. Feel the feeling for 15 minutes, then let it go. Anything over 15 minutes is self-indulgent
Forgiveness is the realization that our past isn't getting any better
We didn't cause it, we can't control it, and we can't cure it
Take what you like and leave the rest
Keep coming back!
Kilde: Nar-Anon of Northern Californias hjemmeside